Wednesday, January 20, 2016

karyl的流浪梦奋斗史part 12@korea 什么是下宿(hasukjib)中介?

2014年 @ Korea:聊天聊出来的商机1!

2013年末,我减少了打工的时间,搬离了家徒四壁的考试院,搬回去了一开始来韩国的时候住过的那种,包吃包住宽阔的下宿房,并且报读了外面私立的补习班继续学习韩语,开始了充实的学生生 活。由于自己在家里读完了3级韩语,所以在补习班是直接从4级开始念的,同时也要准备国际韩语能力检定考试,英语是 Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK),是受国际承认的韩语能力证明文凭。因为要专注学业,所以我必须得减少打工时数,可是又要担心韩国生活费不足,因此Karyl又开始动脑筋 啦~怎么可以不花时间去上班,又可以赚到钱呢?

如果你们问我朋友,用一个英文字形容Karyl的话,我希望他们会说 “RESOURCEFUL” ,那将会是对我最大的赞美。看似一个简简单单的英文形容词,可是要成为一个resourceful的人,却必须具备以下那么多的条件,不容易啊,有兴趣了 解怎么成为一个resourceful的人的朋友,今天奋斗史的最后面有分享一个小文章,教你 how to be resourceful ~


Resourceful 的意思:
Think of resourceful people as “full of resources,” or tools for coming up with solutions. They adapt well to new or difficult situations and they are able to think creatively.

中文就是: 一个resourceful的人,拥有丰富的资源来应付不同的情况, 他们可以很快适应新的环境与困境,并且拥有创意的思维。

我自己对Resourceful这个字的认知则是: 有能力及创意把身边的东西变成有用的资源,并加以利用,以解决困境及难题的人。

当我没有办法在专注学业的同时长时间打工,收入减少,花费依旧的情况,有什么一石二鸟的方法让我既可专心学习,同时又有钱赚呢? 作为一个Resourceful的人,这个时候应该看看周围,有什么东西可以变成一个资源,一笔收入。平时在下宿喜欢和韩国房东大妈闲聊以练习韩语口语的 我,在谈话中无意间发现了商机! 由于下宿的经营者一般都是些韩国大妈大叔,他们不懂英语,而很多留学生刚到韩国也不通韩语,在双方无法沟通的情况下,我发现下宿的房间里面住的多为韩国 人,外国人比例超小。叮咚! 灵机一闪! 我可以当下宿以及外国学生之间的桥梁啊!我可以当下宿中介啊!感谢在我身边出现的各种机会,有机会就不能放过!

心动不如行动,马上开始!当中介难不难? 只要把它当做一间卖笔的店来想的话就不复杂哦
第一步: 开店,把笔摆出来给客人选购。
因此我开始下手做网站,说是网站,其实也只是一个简单的部落格啦~ 只是一个让我可以把房间信息上传给客人看的平台而已。
第二步: 确保货源,不能断货,并且需要不同类型的笔来吸引不同类型的客人


我把我的空房拍照起来,p o 在韩国各大小找房子的网页,同时在学生最多的地方粘公告宣传,届时来联系的客人变多了,而因为我只中介我家附近的下宿,所以要看房的话,也很方便,不会花很长的时间。

当你的笔名声响了之后, 给你的笔重新包装,当做新产品来卖,有名的东西,多贵都会有人买的。有了客源和房间资源,接下来是怎么把盈利提高啦,我一开始只是给客人介绍房间,介绍成功的话,房东会付手续费,而客人我是没有收钱的,只为了挣名声,博客人在网络上留些好评。渐渐当客人只要一想到下宿,就会有找下宿=找Karyl帮忙 的观念,那就成功啦


Karyl 自己做的下宿网站,没有技术含量,大家如果有想知道下宿长什么模样可以进去看看 (网站目前没运行了,没有删掉留作纪念而已)

                                                                             下一章 ⏭

我喜欢下面这篇HOW TO BE RESOURCEFUL 的文章,分享几句给大家看看,有兴趣的朋友,可以耐心看完,也一起进步,一起变成一个resourceful的人吧~

1. Keep an open mind. Redefine what is and is not possible. You have unique talents that you can leverage to fulfill goals right now. Considering new possibilities is critical to taking action that will lead to success.

2. Be confident. You are capable of handling any problem. You already have everything you need to solve it—you! Recognizing that you are competent and adequate enough to do something is the first step to actually getting it done.
3. Be creative. Resourcefulness is about optimizing what you have to work with. Creativity is not just about creating something new but making old things work better as well. Think of crazy possibilities as well as practical ones. You might find inspiration for a workable solution in one of your ideas.
4. Be proactive. Don’t put your dreams on hold because you’re waiting for the right resources or people to show up. If you let circumstances determine when and how you act, you will always settle for less. If an opportunity presents itself, do your best to take it. Don't over think the opportunity or talk yourself out of it.
5. Be persistent. If you stop trying before the problem is solved, then you haven't accomplished anything. Try again, a dozen or a hundred different ways, if that's what it takes. Don't give up.
6. Be positive. There is almost always a solution to a problem. See the positive in every situation. Once you develop the right attitude, it is easier to find a solution.
7. Be prepared. You can't anticipate everything, but you can predict many problems. The more you prepare ahead of time, the more resources you'll have when faced with a problem.
8. Manage Your Time. Your life is made up of time, and time is a limited resource. If you have time, use it for something productive. Make each moment matter so that it contributes in some way to your end goals.
9. Make money. Money can be a powerful asset in some situations. If you don't have money and you need it, being resourceful may consist of thinking of creative ways to raise or earn it. Also, consider solving the problem without money as well.

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